Understanding Colostomy & Colostomy Bags: Procedure, Types, and Everyday Care

Understanding Colostomy & Colostomy Bags: Procedure, Types, and Everyday Care - HEAGI - Colostomy bags Supplies

A colostomy is a surgical procedure that alters the path of waste through the digestive system. Normally, waste travels through the colon to be expelled via the anus. However, in cases where the colon or anus is unable to function properly, surgeons create an opening called a stoma in the abdominal wall, allowing waste to exit the body into a colostomy bag. Colostomies can be either temporary or permanent, depending on the underlying condition.

What is the purpose of a colostomy?

A colostomy is typically necessary when medical conditions such as severe infections, colorectal cancer, or traumatic injury impair the colon or anus. In some cases, it allows the body time to heal, while in others, it is a permanent solution. People who undergo colostomy surgery may have conditions like diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or colon obstructions. Advanced colorectal cancer and permanent rectal damage may also lead to the need for a colostomy. After surgery, individuals may rely on colostomy bags to collect waste.

Different types of colostomy

There are two main types of colostomy procedures: loop colostomy and end colostomy. A loop colostomy is generally temporary and involves pulling a section of the bowel through the abdomen to create two stoma openings. This type of colostomy is easier to reverse. In contrast, an end colostomy is often permanent, with one end of the bowel being attached to the stoma and the other sealed.

Ileostomy vs. Colostomy

A colostomy differs from an ileostomy, another ostomy surgery, in that a colostomy involves the colon (large intestine), while an ileostomy involves the ileum (part of the small intestine). In an ileostomy, waste is expelled in liquid form, while in a colostomy, it is more solid as the waste comes from the large intestine.

Living with a colostomy

Colostomy surgery can initially be challenging, but with the right care and support, individuals can live full, active lives. There are various products available, such as colostomy bags with features like deodorizing and exhaust holes, that help manage daily life more easily. In addition, accessories like ostomy belts and support bands provide added security, especially during physical activities.

Many people find support in online communities and organizations where they can share their experiences and gain tips for managing their stoma. One such resource is Heagi's online community, where ostomy patients can access expert knowledge on care routines, helpful product tips, and emotional support from fellow ostomates.

How common is ostomy surgery globally?

Ostomy surgery is not as uncommon as one might think. Globally, millions of people undergo ostomy surgery each year. In the U.S. alone, nearly 100,000 people have this procedure annually, and over a million Americans live with an ostomy. With advancements in medical technology and specialized products, those living with an ostomy can enjoy improved quality of life.

At Heagi, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and innovative solutions for ostomy patients, ensuring comfort and confidence. Visit our website to explore more about colostomy care.

HEAGI is not just a brand; it is the steadfast support for every ostomy patient on their care journey. We look forward to with you to create a brighter future together.

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